How to Write Good Topic Sentences: Useful Tips and Examples

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Students face the necessity to write lots of essays. Balanced paragraph and topic sentences are an inevitable part of any good paper. They express the main idea of a paragraph, informing the reader what it is about, and help make the paper coherent. Good topic sentences have some compulsory elements as well as things to be avoided. You should know what to include in them, what to avoid, and how to use them to your advantage. Let’s find out what to write in a topic sentence and see good examples. Stay with Write My Essay For Me for awesome tips!

What Is Topic Sentence and Why Is It Important?

A topic sentence expresses the main idea of the paragraph. Usually, it is placed at the very beginning of a paragraph. It has a function similar to that of a thesis statement in an essay. In case you have some questions about this statement, read one more blog that will tell you how to write a thesis statement in an essay. A topic sentence describes the subject of the paragraph and informs the reader about its content. For the paper to be logical and coherent, it should have a clear structure. It is impossible without balanced paragraphs. That is why it is important that each paragraph should have a topic sentence and controlling idea. Without it, paragraphs will lack focus.

Each topic sentence has its components. Usually, the three are mentioned:

  1. The main idea of the paragraph

  2. The power verb

  3. Controlling idea, your opinion, claim.

Topic sentences should be unique for each essay and express your opinion on the topic. Thus, avoid using common knowledge, basic facts, or quotes in a topic sentence. Also, always make sure that you have a controlling idea. It supports the topic sentence and makes it reasonable.

Below you can see a smaple of a good topic sentence:

good topic sentence

Purpose of a Topic Sentence and Its Function

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. They form an outline of an essay and highlight all its main points. Topic sentence has numerous purposes, which also serve as its functions. They include the following:

  1. Highlights the main idea and sets the focus of the paragraph.

  2. Develops and supports thesis statement.

  3. Provides smooth transitioning between ideas.

1. Highlighting the Main Point of the Paragraph

The main purpose of the topic sentence is to present the main idea of the paragraph. It gives the reader a general idea of what this part is about. There should be only one topic sentence in each paragraph. If you try to cover several ideas in one paragraph, first of all, you are highly likely to fail. Apart from that, the paper will be messy. Each topic sentence should be clear, focused, and correspond to the content of the paragraph.

2. Developing Thesis Statement

Every essay has the main idea. It is usually expressed in a topic sentence. To make a paper coherent and logical, you should develop that idea. How to do it? The answer is topic sentences. They are not added randomly. These are several main ideas that support and develop the thesis. These are topic sentences that are added to the paragraphs. Combined together, they form a basis and a background that make your thesis reasonable and valid. Thus, make sure each topic sentence in your essay is related to the thesis.

3. Transitioning Between Paragraphs

Any piece of writing should be coherent. It means that you should logically develop your ideas rather than add them in a hectic order. Topic sentences can be of help at this point. Although it is not their primary function, you may use these elements for smooth transition between ideas in paragraphs. For example, you may summarize the previous paragraph in a topic sentence and proceed to the new idea. If you are going to get deeper into details of the previous paragraph, highlights that fact and continue getting into detail. If the idea contradicts or contrasts with the previous paragraph, focus on this contrast using words such as unlike, similar, although, etc.

Topic Sentence Examples

We’ve already mentioned that these elements are crucial for a good writing piece. They help make paper coherent and complete. Don’t forget that each topic sentence has compulsory components, i.e. topic and controlling idea. The combination of these elements helps to present the key idea of the paragraph and gives the reader a general idea of this part. We offer you a quick look at some examples of strong topic sentences.

good topic sentence exampletopic sentence for essay

Write Your Good Topic Sentences and Controlling Idea in 4 Steps

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. However, you cannot write them separately from your paper. They are created simultaneously and serve as an outline of your essay. Follow these simple steps to learn how to write good topic sentences.

  1. Create a thesis statement for your paper. Thesis is the main idea of the whole paper. It sets its tone, explains what the paper is about, and expresses your opinion. Your topic sentences will be related to your

  2. Write down all your ideas. Write all the points and arguments related to the thesis that come to your mind. At first, there might be a lot of them. Organizing them is the next step.

  3. Logically order your ideas in an outline. Of all the ideas you have written down, select only the strongest arguments. Make sure their number corresponds to the number of the body paragraphs. Put all your ideas in a logical order, from the weakest to the strongest. It will help you create excellent structure, when the next paragraph supports and develops the previous one. Smooth transitioning will lead the reader through your piece of writing.

  4. Make your topic sentences strong and specific. Each paragraph should have its topic sentence. Make sure they present the main idea of the paragraph, are related to the thesis and logically organized within your paper.

  5. Ensure there are controlling ideas. Each topic sentence should have a controlling idea. It supports your topic sentences.either within itself or in a separate sentence.

Useful Tips on What to Write in a Topic Sentence

Look through this checklist to make sure you have managed to write strong topic sentences:

  • There is only one topic sentence per paragraph.

  • Each topic sentence should be supported by a controlling idea.

  • All the topic sentences are related to the thesis.

  • They highlight the main idea of the paragraphs.

  • Topic sentence does not retell the content of a paragraph.

  • They are clear and succinct.

  • Idea they highlight is covered in a paragraph.

  • Topic sentences facilitate smooth transitioning between paragraphs.

  • It cannot be a quote, common knowledge, or fact.

  • Topic sentence should not contain personal pronouns I or we.

  • Your topic sentences are devoid of grammar or stylistic mistakes.

Topic sentences are crucial for any paper. Learn how to write them properly and use all their functions to your advantage. Also, don’t forget to check excellent topic sentences examples to make sure you’ve done it right.

Final Thoughts

If you want to make your essay coherent and logical, ensure you have balanced paragraphs. For this purpose, start every paragraph with a topic sentence. They should be succinct, relevant, and develop the main idea of your paper. If you need help with your essay or paragraph writing, you may try professional writing assistance. You will receive a comprehensive paper with strong topic sentences and some spare time for yourself.

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Article posted on:Aug 20, 2024
Article updated on:Aug 20, 2024


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