Learn How to Conclude an Essay and Get Your Inspiration From This Guide

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Writing a satisfactory conclusion for an essay can sometimes be tricky. It can be challenging to understand your tutor's expectations and how you should write a conclusion for your paper. If you come up with a weak concluding paragraph, it may result in a lower grade or even broader implications. Our writing experts gathered the essential tips on how to conclude an essay of higher quality. We hope you will make use of the information presented in this article.

Table of contents

How to Conclude an Essay Properly?

The conclusion is not just a simple summary of ideas and arguments you have provided in the body of the essay. It is your last word to tell and the part of the most critical information to let your reader know. So the essay conclusion should for sure be striking and convincing. Your concluding statement should answer the "So What?" question. Besides, it would be best if you used your conclusion paragraph to leave your reader with a positive impression of the arguments you've made within your essay’s body.

It would help if you also knew where and how to start a conclusion for an essay. It should go after your essay's body paragraphs. Please note that the number of sentences required to write a conclusion depends on your body part's number of paragraphs.

Coming up with a conclusion can be the most challenging part of essay writing for some students. In fact, there is no unique way of drafting a perfect ending. However, there are some main points that you should pay attention to if you need to make an impact on your readers.

  • The conclusion is the impression you leave to your reader
  • It is the final point of your essay
  • It should prove your thesis
  • It should provide your reader with a sense of closure

As an alternative, you can ask our academic professionals to help you with any part of your paper, including a conclusion. All you need is to leave a 'write my essay' request.

How to Start a Conclusion?

Like any other paragraph, the conclusion of an essay should be balanced. It should consist of at least three sentences: topic sentence, controlling and supporting ideas, and concluding sentence.

Check out the typical conclusion outline:

  1. A topic sentence that restates the argument to remind your readers about its value.
  2. A supporting idea that sums up the main points of the paper.
  3. A controlling idea that brings together the core points and facts and demonstrates the relevance of the topic.
  4. A concluding sentence that summarizes the whole paper and answers the "So what?" question.

One of the best strategies to start a conclusion is to go through your paper once again to recall its arguments. It is also required to understand the theoretical framework which you have used while working on a specific type of essay writing. In your essay conclusion, you need to get your classification and analysis skills to the highest level. You should keep in mind that the purpose of a conclusion is to link the main essay points altogether. It should give your reader a simple idea of why your arguments matter. Here are a couple of things you should pay attention to if you are wondering how to conclude your essay:

  • Show how the content of your essay’s body adds up to a consistent piece of writing
  • Don't just summarize each paragraph of your paper
  • Gather your main points and bring them together in a way that makes correlations and shows their significance.

Highlight the Value of the Thesis Statement

Let's get back to the thesis statement you came up with within your paper's first or second paragraph. At this point, when you think of how to end an essay, it's time to refer to that original idea in your essay conclusion. You shouldn't just restate your thesis and leave it like that. Instead, it would help if you reminded your readers why your thesis is essential. It doesn't matter what your essay is about; the conclusion should focus on your argument's implication.

This part of an essay is a winning one. So, if you do not know how to start it, look at a thesis statement example we prepared for our users.

Set Your Argument in a More Expansive Context

A good conclusion should give an impression of closure and culmination to your main idea. The essay conclusion may also indicate what new questions or possibilities it has established. One way to reach such a goal is to set your argument in a more expansive context. As you know, the essay introduction moves from something general to the specific. At the same time, the conclusion can flow from the particular back to the general.

For example:

  • You can consider establishing a link to the present-day cases if you research historical events or personalities
  • You can demonstrate how one specific area you focused on relates to global standards
  • If you reviewed a social change, you might want to refer to settled social processes in general.

What to Avoid When Writing an Essay Conclusion?

There are some things that you should not include in the conclusion paragraph to make your paper flawless.

Do not:

  • Make a 1-sentence conclusion
  • State your thesis for the very first time
  • Repeat ideas or copy-paste sentences from the paper
  • Introduce new ideas, statistics, or in-text citations (it all should be presented in the main body)
  • Use facts or comments that undermine the concepts or arguments you have provided in the introduction or the essay’s body
  • Make emotional appeals that do not fit the scope of the rest of the paper
  • Include evidence (tables, quotations) that should've been in the essay’s body.

Avoid Introducing New Information

You should only present your arguments in the body of the essay. Any evidence to support your thesis statement should also be mentioned in the central part of the paper. However, you still may include some pieces of new information in the conclusion. It can be a reasonable quotation that supports your claim. Or it can be a couple of sentences that will put your essay argument in a broader setting. There is no way to introduce new sources or significant updates to your conclusion that need further discussion.

Do Not Subvert Your Argument

It would be best if you didn't use critical assumptions in your conclusion. Avoid ending your essay conclusion with a remorseful phrase that sounds hesitant or disorganized. Even though your essay might present controversial arguments, your position should be explicit. Your goal is to give your reader some food for thought worth pondering or thinking over. Although your essay could have had many approaches to its question, you need to convince your reader that yours is the best one!

Good Essay Conclusions Examples

By now, we should already understand how to start and finish writing a good conclusion paragraph. But to fully grasp the peculiarities of a well-written conclusion, it would be wise to review some samples as well. It would help if you kept in mind that, for instance, a narrative essay conclusion may differ from an analytical essay conclusion. The purpose of each such essay is different. Therefore, the concluding statements may be a bit contrasting. Still, it doesn’t change the strategies you should choose to develop a remarkable final paragraph.

This part of the article will demonstrate some concepts of the most popular essay conclusions samples. Check them out :)

Argumentative Essay Conclusion

Let’s start with an argumentative essay conclusion example.

argumentative essay conclusion

Persuasive Essay Conclusion

For a persuasive essay conclusion, you need to use the same method and structure as for other essay types.

  • Restate the thesis (paraphrase it properly)
  • Restate your two main reasons
  • Make the reader think that your position is the best one.

If you are to conclude your persuasive essay, you need to remember that the main task is to leave your reader thinking. Once you present your point of view regarding the argument, make sure to highlight it as the best possible one.

persuasive essay conclusion example

Analytical Essay Conclusion

As in any other essay, you also need to restate your thesis in an analytical essay. If you are thinking of how to restate a thesis, consider using synonyms for your original key-points' essential concepts. You may also want to slightly change the structure of the sentences you will be using. For example, you can start your conclusion with parts of the speech that differ from those in your thesis statement.

analytical essay conclusion example

English Essay Conclusion

English essay conclusion might seem the toughest one of all. Bear in mind that in most cases, in conclusion you need to come up with what is already written by the author and lies just on the surface. Just go through your source of choice carefully to get to the main ideas.

english essay conclusion example

Bottom line

If you are still unsure how to write a conclusion for your essay, consider hiring an expert from our writing center. They will come up with a perfect solution of how to end your paper. Our writers are passionate about excellent performance. They will be glad to work on any topic you choose. Just provide them with precise requirements and guidelines, and they will meet or even exceed your expectations.

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Article posted on:Aug 20, 2024
Article updated on:Feb 20, 2025


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